About Omnireview

It has come to my attention that reviews are amazing. They are a force which changes the world for the better; a bad review can easily kill a crappy film or book, by convincing people not to spend money on it. A good review has the effect of feeding and nourishing a good thing by encouraging people to support it. The review has awesome power.

What if we could harness that power? That's why there's Omnireview. Here, you can find reviews on anything that it is possible to review. I, the omnireviewer, will literally review the entire universe one item at a time, in an effort to improve it. I'm uniquely qualified for the task, since I came up with the idea. My reviews will also be completely unbiased, since I have no political views that you're aware of.

If you'd like me to review something, please contact me at theomnireviewer@hotmail.co.uk. Be aware, however, that I am just as likely to review your e-mail, or your e-mail provider, or you, as I am the requested item.

That was 'About Omnireview'. I'd recommend it.